The following GoogleSearch hit count result list may give insight into the popularity and spread of the various WikiWikiClones.
Although the raw search result numbers may not be an absolute measure of popularity, they can be used to rank relative popularity. The list is cut off at around 50 entries and some frivoulous entries (InternetExplorer, WikiWord, ...) were removed (maybe I've cut out some real WikiEngines as well).
Also see TopTenWikiEngines for a short list of the best WikiEngines based on more subjective opinions.
Another survey done for the WikiCreole workshop at WikiSym August 14, 2006:
For comparison, Google yields 12,700,000 for "wiki" and 359,000 for "wikiwiki". Unknown how many of those are purely use of the Hawaiian word.
this is the silly shell script for generating the above list (almost):
#!/bin/sh wget -c -O /dev/stdout | perl -ne 'if (m/<a href="wiki\?(\w+)/) { print "$1\n"; }' > wiki.lst for ENGINE in `cat wiki.lst` do COUNT=$( wget -U "WikiEngineCounting?/1.0" -c "$ENGINE" -O /dev/stdout | perl -ne 'if (m/(von ungefähr|of about)\s+<b>([\d,.]+)/ms) { print "$2"; exit; }' ) echo ";$ENGINE:$COUNT" >> wiki.count done cat wiki.count | tr -d ,. | sort -n -r -t : -k 2 | uniq > wiki.sortedAs mentioned, it needs some post editing, because not every link on the WikiEngines page is in fact a name of a WikiClone.
If you search for "wiki" on, you will get a list ranked by activity.
Sadly not all WikiEngines are developed at SourceForge, otherwise this also was another very interesting measurement method for WikiEnginePopularity.
''However, 9 of the top ten Wikis identified by Google are hosted on SourceForge:
(approximate "downloads" per day of "pageviews" per day - july 31, 2004)
A script would definitely be cool (it was even better if sourceforge simply did export all such stats as XML). And I guess the zero download entries come from the fact, that while PmWiki and others have a project entry on sourceforge, they are in fact developed (sometimes not really open) and provided for download somewhere else.
Hmm fetching statistics from could be interesting, too.
for wiki's popularity infomation in Chinese area, please refer (In GB-2312)