Intent: Ensure success of the ProgrammingLanguage you designed by growing a beard.
For further documentation of this pattern (with supporting illustrations), see:
Does it matter or not if the beard is gray?
This pattern is exactly why I refuse both to invent a language and to grow a beard. --PhlIp
It should be noted, of course, that "success" in this context refers to how widely the language is used, not to any measure of technical elegance or expressiveness.
See also:
YukihiroMatsumoto has been photographed with a beard:
this of course raises the question: would grace hopper have grown a beard if she could have?
I have a beard. No wonder I want to design a language! -- DaveEaton
By this measure, ZZ Top should be able to design the most revolutionary language in the history of computing. Arguably, they have at least invented a musical idiom: the rock boogie.
The Luxurious Flowing Hair Club for Scientists is probably relevant here...
"It doesn't matter if you have a beard on the outside. It's the beard on the inside that counts." -- Action Hank
and it doesn't need to be trimmed