James Gosling, Vice President and Sun Fellow, SunMicrosystems
Recently appointed to Sun Fellow, Gosling is the lead engineer and key architect behind Sun Microsystems' new JavaLanguage, a ProgrammingLanguage ideally suited to the Internet and DistributedComputing as it is platform-independent, secure, multi-threaded, compact, and ObjectOriented.
Gosling has been involved in distributed computing at Sun since his arrival in 1984. His first project was the NetworkExtensibleWindowSystem. Before joining Sun, he built a multiprocessor version of the UnixOperatingSystem; the original Andrew window system and tool kit; and several compilers and mail systems. He also built the original Unix 'Emacs', and helped build a satellite data acquisition system.
Gosling received his B.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Calgary, Canada in 1977 and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie-Mellon University in 1983. Gosling's doctorate thesis was entitled "The Algebraic Manipulation of Constraints."
RichardStallman on JamesGosling:
Consider the source. It certainly says something about one of them, or both.
Well, it is a fairly accurate portrayal of the turn-around. I remember the early gosmacs versions being considered open (in some sense). He pulled the rug out from under a lot of people
I bet he got married and his wife started expecting the green-stuff. I can relate.
My experience with James is consistent with that of RMS. I believe that James was the route through which our work at ComponentSoftwareCorporation? became Java. He is certainly the person within Sun who could most effectively correct their public "history" of Java. -- TomStambaugh
RMS and Gosling (and all the BigName Unix hackers) are all very... very.
Do you truly mean to lump all "BigName Unix hackers" into the same bucket?
No. But they are all exceptional for some reason or they wouldn't have big names.
That bucket must be, very... very... er. ...
[The New Jersey and CalBerkeley Unix crews don't consider MIT and CMU as sources of "BigName Unix hackers" :-) The term should rightfully be reserved for e.g. KenThompson, DennisRitchie, Johnson, BrianKernighan, BillJoy, McKusick, etc...]