See also GermanXpTerminology, XpForumAtEgroupsDotCom, HamburgXpUsersGroup, MuenchenXpUsersGroup
On this page, German-speaking wiki folks interested in ExtremeProgramming please list their name.
In addition, to motivate further knowledge transfer between german-speaking XPers, I started the XpForumAtEgroupsDotCom discussion list. To subscribe, please send an email to -- FrankWestphal
There is also some discussion regarding ExtremeProgramming at the DseWiki:
In preparation for the German translation of ExtremeProgrammingExplainedEmbraceChange, we finally came up with the "official" GermanXpTerminology.
In alphabetical order, we are
Is this restricted to Germans or are Swiss allowed as well? :-) -- PeterGassmann
"German" is the correct name for the language as well as the country. You wouldn't call this node GermanspokenXpCommunity?, would you? We don't want do compete with DoTheSimplestThingThatCouldPossiblyWork as the longest WikiName, right? ;-) -- MarkoSchulz
Extremely long words is one of funnest things about German. I mean, how can English compete with Sesquipedalianism when German has Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz? I'm just so tempted to put a capital in there somewhere ;-) -- JeffWinchell
See also XpAdoptersGroupSwitzerland
May I ask a provocative question? Why is it interesting to have a specific GermanXpCommunity, or why do people think it is necessary to have one? -- ThomasWeidenfeller
I hope, it adds to one of the ExtremeValues: Communication among german-speaking practitioners. -- FrankWestphal
Some points I'd think important:
-- HelmutMerz
I'm actually kinda amazed that something as radical as XP is gaining [atleast to a certain degree] coverage in Germany. I just hope that it doesn't die in the WAP or XML or T-Online hype that is basically saturating the current German Medias coverage of the Internet.
What is even more surprising is that BASF have done an XP project, along with the Bayerische Landesbank, and perhaps DaimlerChrysler [FrankGerhardt?] will do another? And maybe even SAP? or VW? or DeutscheBank?? ....
Oracle (the German branch of the company), to the best of my knowledge, has no plans to do XP projects in the near future.
BTW is there a list of ExtremeProgrammingPositiveCompanies?? I don't mean specific to Germany, but in general. has a list of XP people and companies looking for XP people, perhaps that is enough.