If your project is extreme, list it here. Make a page to tell us a little about it, if you haven't already, and maybe list a contact.
Please note: This section is for specific projects using ExtremeProgramming. If you have a user group, please list it under CategoryXpUsersGroup.
Put your project here (please use alphabetical order):
Some of the companies are also multiple sites so it's not clear which location is running XP. Geographic, then alphabetical makes sense.
If a company consists of multiple geographic XP sites, the company can appear more than once in this page.
http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/babblenet/ This was our first experiment with ExtremeProgramming and it went quite well. We found that there was a bit of a learning curve, but once the team got into the swing of things and built up a relatively stable code base, it went smoothly. -- StephenPetschulat (Vancouver, Canada)
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