I'm Andreas Kr�ger (this system doesn't seem to be too international yet).
I used to be a C++ programmer for some years, then a toolsmith (administering compilers, libraries, Makefiles and the like for a development shop). Today, I'm working as a consultant, doing development mostly and also work boastfully called "DevOp?" by some (rarely by me). Presently in a fairly interesting project.
I like my work.
I do quite a bit of testing and code reviews, but other than that, little XP.
However, I am also involved, at times, with issues concerning organization of development teams. I patiently advertise XP and wait for my chance to actually apply it. Over the last years, there's been a consistingly increasing amount of talking about it. Which is a start.
You can reach me as mailto:andreas.krueger@innoQ.com .
This is my wiki home page, so it goes into CategoryHomePage.
You might want to add your name to the GermanXpCommunity -- GerritRiessen
Thanks for pointing it out. I did. -- AndreasKrueger