Design, Style and Creativity Books (part of Wiki BookList)
Software Design (Interfaces and Architecture)
- AboutFace, AlanCooper
- BringingDesignToSoftware edited by Terry Winograd presents some good discussions about how we software professionals should pay attention to ideas from other disciplines of design.
- UsabilityEngineering, JakobNielsen
- DesigningVisualInterfaces, KevinMullet? and DarrellSano?
- TheTroubleWithComputers, ThomasLandauer?
- BeyondProgramming, Bruce I. Blum
- DesigningInformationSystems in the Postmodern Age, Richard Coyne
- ProgrammingAsIfPeopleMattered, NathanielBorenstein?
- TheFrozenKeyboard, BorisBeizer
- TheCrcCardBook, David Bellin, and Susan Suchman Simone
The Essence of Communication (Formerly: Hints & Style)
- LiterateProgramming, by DonaldKnuth
- The ElementsOfProgrammingStyle, BrianKernighan & PjPlauger
- The ElementsOfFriendlySoftwareDesign?, PaulHeckel?.
- TheVisualDisplayOfQuantitativeInformation, EdwardTufte
- EnvisioningInformation, EdwardTufte
- VisualExplanations, EdwardTufte
- ProgrammingPearls, JonBentley
- MacIsNotTypewriter, RobinWilliams
- ThinkingForth, LeoBrodie
- DynamicsInDocumentDesign, KarenSchriver?
- Want to improve your writing skills? Try:
- SmalltalkWithStyle?, SuzanneSkublics?, reviewed off-site[1]
- UnderstandingComics, Scott McCloud?: Wonderful comic book about understanding comics (and visual communication in general!)
- EffectivePerlProgramming, Hall and Schwartz
Creativity & Learning
- TurtlesTermitesAndTrafficJams, Mitchel Resnick
- A WhackOnTheSideOfTheHead, by RogerVonOech?.
- CreativityAsAnExactScience?, G. S. Altshuller
- ConceptualBlockbusting?, James L. Adams
- The MythicalManMonth, FredBrooks
- NoMoreTeams, Michael Schrage
- The OriginOfConsciousness ..., JulianJaynes
- ThePassionOfTheWesternMind, RichardTarnas?
- ThePracticalCogitator
- MetaphorsWeLiveBy, LakoffAndJohnson
- TheBookOfThink, Marilyn Burns
- FluidConceptsAndCreativeAnalogies[2], DouglasHofstadter
- Lessons from TheArtOfJuggling, MichaelGelb? and TonyBuzan. A book about learning, thinly disguised as a book about learning to juggle.
- A MindMap Book, one of TonyBuzan's many books on mind mapping
- HowToSolveIt, G. Polya on Problem Solving and Teaching Mathematics
- MetaphorAndOrganizations, ed. David Grant and Cliff Oswick
- OutdoorGamesForTrainers, Carmine M. Consalvo
- TwoHundredAndOneIceBreakers, Edie West
- SoftwareCreativity, Robert L. Glass
- GiftsDiffering, Isabel Briggs Myers
- CreativityAndInnovation, Daniel L. Couger
- CalderAtHome, Pedro E. Guerrero
- Situated Learning: LegitimatePeripheralParticipation, Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger
General Design Books
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