Daniel Bruessler


I'm the admin of the TYPO3-wiki (WikiNode http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/WikiNode) - one of the biggest three OpenSource ContentManagementSystem in PHP.

A good friend is RainerWasserfuhr, and I'm fan of MartinFowler.

This is my WikiHomePage here (CategoryHomePage). You can leave me a messsage here: http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/User_talk:Patchworker



Navigation in the C2-Wiki

RecentChanges/ QuickChanges, StartingPoints/ TipsForBeginners, TextFormattingRules, http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?search=

My thoughts about Wikis

I got to know about the Wiki-Wiki-world about 2002, what is now 8 years ago. In InternetTime this is 35 years ago, because you know an InternetYear is just 2.7 months of a normal year. In the heise magazine they had a link to the C2Wiki. The concept was pretty easy, just a textarea and some special charactors to do the "layout" of the web-page.

In the meantime wikis have changed very much. In the first time - e.g. in this first wiki and the german-speaking software developer wiki DseWiki, a page was mostly used to discuss about a special topic. No forum, no mailinglist, no diagrams, no PDF, no OpenOffice documents. Pretty easy.

more to write about: LinuxWiki, SnipSnap Wiki for Java, TYPO3Wiki TypoScript, Wiki of the ContentManagementSystem TYPO3, MoinMoin, MediaWiki, WikiCreole, TYPO3 Extension "DrWiki", WikiNature

My thoughts about Patterns

DesignPatterns were a part of my study of informatics/ ComputerScience in 2001, not much but good for the start. The professors didn't talk much about it, just the database professor showed us how UML diagrams can be used to model DesignPatterns. He used FactoryMethod as example.

more to write about: ExtremeProgramming ScrumProcess BugTrackingSoftware mantis with some Plugins usable as ScrumWebTool TestDrivenDevelopment GangOfFour HeadFirstDesignPatterns, InformationTechnologyInfrastructureLibrary

My thoughts about BugFreeCostsMore

That's an interesting thinking. Normally, most software developers want to develop 100% error-free software that is 100% what the customer wanted - and still wants after he has had new ideas during its development. But that's really not realistic! So we have time-frames, a budget, priorities, benefit cost analysis.

I use BugTrackingSoftware mantis with some Plugins as ScrumWebTool - because mantis is in use by many, plugins are available and easy to write, the attributes and categories can be copied from a meta-project to a new project.


































































































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