Conferences related to ExtremeProgramming:
Calendar of upcoming XP Conferences:
[Does someone want to provide this as a vCal-format calendar?]
AlistairCockburn JimCoplien WardCunningham HakanErdogmus JimHighsmith WattsHumphrey AndyHunt BilKleb JonKern TomKubit ManfredLange TimMackinnon MicheleMarchesi BrianMarick BobMartin SteveMellor GranvilleMiller LindaRising GiancarloSucci? JeffSutherland DaveThomas
International Conference on ExtremeProgramming and AgileProcesses in SoftwareEngineering (aka XP2000, XP2001, etc.)
Building on the success of XP2000 and XP2001, the Third International Conference on ExtremeProgramming and AgileProcesses in SoftwareEngineering was a forum to discuss theories, practices, experiences, and tools on XP and other AgileSoftwareProcesses?, like SCRUM, the AdaptiveSoftwareProcess?, FeatureDrivenDevelopment and the CrystalSeries?.
XP2002 brought together people from industry and academia to share experiences and ideas and to provide an archival source for important papers on agile process-related topics.
The conference was meant to provide information and education to practitioners, identify directions for further research, and to be an ongoing platform for TechnologyTransfer?.
The conference consisted of technical presentations, panels, poster sessions, activity sessions, workshops, tutorials.
AlistairCockburn's AgileDevelopmentConference
Pages on Conferences
Icse Two Thousand Two :
ICSE '2002 was held in Orlando between May 19-23 - AgileMethodsAtIcseTwoThousandTwo IcseTwoThousandTwoViewpointsOnAgileMethods
Papers and Books on Conferences
Contains the best papers from the world's two leading Extreme Programming conferences: XP 2001 and XP Universe.,4096,0201770059,00.html