XpUniverse is one of the XpConferences. Read about it at http://www.xpuniverse.com/
- XpUniverseTwoThousandOne was held July 23-25, 2001 in Raleigh, North Carolina
- XpUniverseTwoThousandTwo was held August 4-7, 2002 in Chicago, Illinois
- An emerging new conference AgileUniverse was co-located with XpUniverseTwoThousandTwo
- XpAgileUniverseTwoThousandThree was held August 10-13, 2003 in New Orleans, Louisiana
- XpAgileUniverseTwoThousandFour was held August 15-18 2004, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
- XpAgileUniverse will merge with AgileDevelopmentConference in 2005. The new, joint conference is called Agile 2005 (AgileTwoThousandFive). It will be held in the week of July 24th, in Denver, Colorado.
XpUniverseAttendees WhatDidYouLearnAtXpUniverse?