Who's writing about XP?
Who's right now actively working on an article or a book on the topic? Who's planning to? -- FrankWestphal
Please star new entries, and remove previous stars.
Please try to include the year with the dates for time sensitive items.
- SamsTeachYourselfExtremeProgramming in 24hours
- by StewartBaird. ISBN 0672324415 . This book is aimed at the beginner to intermediate level.
- ExtremeProgrammingExplainedEmbraceChange
- by KentBeck ISBN 0-201-61641-6 about the philosophy behind XP. Translated into: Italian, German, Japanese, French, and Polish.
- RefactoringImprovingTheDesignOfExistingCode
- by MartinFowler ISBN 0-201-48567-2 .
- PlanningExtremeProgramming
- by KentBeck, MartinFowler ISBN 0201710919 .
- TestDrivenDevelopmentByExample
- by KentBeck ISBN 0321146530
- ExtremeProgrammingInstalled
- by RonJeffries, ChetHendrickson, and AnnAnderson. ISBN 0201708426 This book describes what makes XP work, day to day and month to month.
- ExtremeProgrammingExamined
- by GiancarloSucci? & MicheleMarchesi (editors). ISBN 0201710404 This book contains many papers on XP and Agile Methodologies, presented at XpTwoThousand Conference in Cagliari, Sardinia.
- ExtremeProgrammingInPractice
- by JimNewkirk and RobertMartin. This book is a case study of a web-based application in XP. ISBN 0201709376
- ExtremeProgrammingApplied
- by KenAuer and RoyMiller. ISBN 0201616408 This book is advice to those who are starting up XP projects from the pioneers who have already done it.
- ExtremeProgrammingExplored
- by BillWake. ISBN 0201733978 .
- PracticalGuideToExtremeProgramming
- by DaveAstels, GranvilleMiller, and MiroslavNovak. The definite Gospel Book to preach XP in your company (from an independent review on Amazon.com) ISBN 0130674826 Translated into Portugese, Russian, Polish, etc.
- *Maitriser les projets avec l'Extreme Programming
- by ThierryCros. ISBN 2854286391 (see amazon.fr)
- L'Extreme Programming, avec 2 ?udes de cas
- by JeanLouisBenard?, LaurentBossavit, RegisMedina, DominicWilliams. ISBN 2212110510
- PairProgrammingIlluminated
- by LaurieWilliams and RobertKessler. ISBN 0201745763
- TestingExtremeProgramming
- by LisaCrispin and TipHouse. ISBN 0321113551 On acceptance testing and how testers contribute to XP projects.
- AgileSoftwareDevelopment
- by AlistairCockburn. A work on light-weight methodologies. ISBN 0201699699 http://members.aol.com/humansandt/crystal/clear/
- AgileSoftwareDevelopmentPrinciplesPatternsAndPractices
- by RobertMartin. ISBN 0135974445
- ExtremeProgrammingRefactored
- by MattStephens and DougRosenberg. ISBN 1590590961 Tongue-in-cheek analysis of problems in XP. Suggests alternatives, and ways of patching XP for larger projects.
- TestDrivenDevelopmentaPracticalGuide
- by DaveAstels. A very tutorial-oriented book on Test Driven Development using Java. ISBN 0131016490 .
- ExtremeProgrammingPerspectives
- by MicheleMarchesi, GiancarloSucci?, DonWells, and LaurieWilliams. ISBN 0201770059
Many recent books are missing from the above list. Why not cruise on over to Amazon and grab one or two more from their "Related Items" list?
Recent Titles
PracticesOfAnAgileDeveloper : Working in the Real World (Pragmatic Programmers) :by VenkatSubramaniam, AndyHunt ISBN 097451408X
AgileEstimatingAndPlanning : by MikeCohn ISBN 0131479415
AgileWebDevelopmentWithRails : A Pragmatic Guide (Pragmatic Programmers) (Paperback) by DaveThomas, DavidHeinemeierHansson, AndreasSchwarz, ThomasFuchs, LeonBreedt, MikeClark ISBN 097669400X
Book fragments
Books in Process
Articles (See ExtremeArticles, XpInTheNews)
- Interview with Kent in New Zealand (http://www.computerworld.co.nz/webhome.nsf/UNID/6FA72AFF2E4E86F3CC256AE20076FCF9?openDocument&Highlight=2,kent,beck)
- Series of articles in New Zealand's Computer World industry newspaper, entitled "XP Trek". See (http://www.chaosengineers.co.nz/pages/Papers/papers.html) for copies of these articles, and other papers on XP by the same author.
- http://www.robmagazine.com/servlet/GIS.Servlets.HTMLTemplate?tf=robm/full_story/columnFullStory.html&cf=robm/neutral.cfg&configFileLoc=robm/config&date=&dateOffset=35&query=class+%3Ccontains%3Erobm+%3Cand%3E+logo+%3Ccontains%3E+Thompson+on+Tech¤t_row=1&start_row=1&num_rows=1
- "XP Distilled" by RoyMiller and ChrisCollins? can be found several places, most prominently at http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-xp/
- Extreme programming - a short intro! by Benny Alexander: http://benny.editthispage.com/stories/storyReader$7
- The Economist, 7th December, did an article on XP: http://www.economist.com/science/displayStory.cfm?Story_ID=442839
- Information Week did an article in their April 2, 2001 magazine which can be found at http://www.informationweek.com/831/prappdev.htm
- Half page article and ugly picture of Kent in Wired, October 2000.
- "Feature Driven Development and Extreme Programming" in TheCoadLetter, Issue 70, editor StevePalmer. (link to full text at FeatureDrivenDevelopmentVsExtremeProgramming)
- "'Extreme' method simplifies development puzzle" by John K. Waters, Cover Story (pages 20-26) of ApplicationDevelopmentTrends, July 2000; vol 7 num 7. Full text at http://www.adtmag.com/Pub/article.asp?ArticleID=879
- KentBeck is interviewed in EXE http://www.exe.co.uk/questionnaire/qpull.asp?page=mar00.html
- RonJeffries has two articles out (ExtremeArticle).
- KentBeck has an article in the May CppReport: KentBecksChangeCostXpArticle
- VlissidesOnBeck: JohnVlissides has an interview with KentBeck in the June '99 CppReport.
- There is an interview with KentBeck in ComputingMagazine?, 8 July 1999.
- Yet another interview in ObjektSpektrum? (a German SIGS magazine), July/August 1999.
- KentBeck has an article in the October 1999 IeeeComputer? magazine, including sketches of four XP projects. It's available online (in PDF form) to IEEE members, at http://computer.org/computer/co1999/rxtoc.htm
- WarrenKeuffel? talks about XP (mostly a review of KentsBook) in his Tools of the Trade column in SoftwareDevelopmentMagazine, February 2000. Is there a web site for this 'zine? I'd like to email these people and see if they will put that article up for us to link to. It is not so easy to communicate with them... -- GodefroidChapelle
- There is a Case Study, in German, about a project at BASF which went from a RationalUnifiedProcess to a partial XP project http://www.andrena.de/Objektforum/Archiv/Download/xp.zip and http://www.sigs.de/html/andrena.html
- German article in Informatik Spektrum, published by Springer http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00287/bibs/0023002/00230118.htm Basically this is a summary of KentBeck's book XP Explained
- JimHighsmith explains xp in CutterConsortium newsletter http://www.cutter.com/ead/ead0002.html
- LaurieWilliams and Robert Kessler write an article on making an effective transition to pair programming in May 2000 Communications of the ACM "All I Really Need to Know about Pair Programming I Learned in Kindergarten" http://collaboration.csc.ncsu.edu/laurie/Papers/Kindergarten.PDF
- LaurieWilliams, Robert Kessler, WardCunningham, and RonJeffries describe quantitative results of a pair-programming study IEE Software July/Aug 2000 in "Strengthening the Case for Pair-Programming." http://collaboration.csc.ncsu.edu/laurie/Papers/ieeeSoftware.PDF
- German article in "iX" 3/2001 about testing with JUnit by JohannesLink and PeterFr??lich
- LisaCrispin has an article on acceptance testing and the role of the tester in XP coming out in the July issue of STQE Magazine.
- ChrisMorris wrote an article titled "Introduction to Extreme Programming" that will be published in the Borland 2001 Conference CD, July 2001. Part One: The Case for XP [http://clabs.org/caseforxp.htm]. Part Two: XP Practices [http://clabs.org/xpprac.htm].
- XPUniverse has dozens of papers worth reading at [http://www.xpuniverse.com/xpuPapers.htm].
- German article in InformationWeek? (Nov 2000): [http://www.informationweek.de/index.php3?/channels/channel20/002752b.htm]
- A Test-Driven Development edition of TheCoadLetter began publishing in June 2002. DaveAstels is the author/editor.
- Article on CNET: http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1006-202-5424853.html
- Ottawa Citizen (Canada) article: http://www.canada.com/ottawa/ottawacitizen/specials/business/story.html?id=6995104A-2A15-4893-9A88-538E50A6170C -- November, 2002
- The current Wikipedia article on XP: http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extreme_Programming
In Person
Other web pages about ExtremeProgramming
<http://www.egroups.com/group/extremeprogramming/> (mailing list)
<http://www.egroups.com/group/xpspanish/> (mailing list in Spanish)
<http://www.smiling.com.cn/group/homepage.ecgi?group_id=9999> (XpChina mailing list in Chinese)
in Japanese: <http://www.esm.co.jp/divisions/open-sys/eXtremeProgramming/xp-faq.html>
in German: http://www.frankwestphal.de
in Italian: http://www.oxp.it/extreme.htm
in French: http://www.xp-france.net, http://www.design-up.com and also a mailing list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/xp-france
in Spanish: http://www.programacionextrema.org
in Russian: http://www.xprogramming.ru
in Traditional Chinese: http://www.dotspace.idv.tw
in Korean: http://www.xper.org
OopsLa usually has a few sessions on XP as well every year (more than stated above).
Most of this page is really WhosWrittenAboutXp?. I think Frank had more of a current list in mind, rather than just another XP bibliography.
Currently (2006)
XP2006 is over. Here's the first in a series of writeups about what happened:
Agile developers Decision making is covered in an article examining naturalistic versus rational approaches: