Coder That Encourages Table Oriented Design

I restored Tops page. I leave this here for now to document this hostile act on Tops HomePage. Excess moving pages around or leaving lots of comments cannot be compared in the least to this invasion into Tops privacy! Of course the HomePage is a page like every other but it has been protected by this community since I can think of. -- GunnarZarncke

Excess moving around common patterns noted by Dijkstra such as BrainDamage is an invasion into my well doing on this wiki, providing patterns for people to note. BrainDamage is about as inflammatory as the non HomePage called TopMind (RealNamesPlease). A homepage consists of a person, not a spinning top or a BottomMind. The hostile act, as you call it, was a joke - to prove a point - in which it was fully expected that the outcome of the situation would be someone simply moving the page back. Some people on this wiki need to LoosenUp?, and get a sense of humor - and do some hypocrisy checking in a crystal clear mirror. In other words, I suggest wiping poo off the mirror before looking into it. --TopVandal?

Moving TopMind's page here because he keeps farting around with my pages, changing them to to stupid long titles like this one.

Hypocrisy is proven: isn't the page TopMind itself, arrogant, insulting, and inflammatory? As if other people on this wiki have a BottomMind. Well it it is only if you take it that way personally. One has to learn not to take each C2 wiki page title personally, and one has to grow a sense of humor.

Look in the mirror, TopMind, before criticising other people - because most likely what you are criticising, is something you advocate and practice yourself.

Have you ever looked up the word hypocrisy, by the way?

I did NOT change the "brain damage" topic to offend you, but to make it more descriptive of its content and less offensive. You can put "brain damage" back if you want, I don't care enough about that title to enter into a title EditWar. Title Truce? --top

(But I cannot vouch for other WikiZens who may also change titles they find offensive.)

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