A WikiRefactoring where an unsigned comment is appended with the "signature" of the author (or whoever is believed to be the author)--this includes adding DramaticIdentities or WikiBadges such as AnonymousDonor. This can be done for several reasons.
Proper addition of the author's signature consists of nothing else but that: adding two dashes, and the individuals name. Adding additional editorial comments, such as "in the opinion of SoAndSo?" or "SoAndSo?, in a moment of obvious drunkenness, scrawled the following rant" is likely to trigger a RudenessObjection.
For a counterpoint, see EgolessWiki. Also consider use of a ContributorsList rather than signing individual contributions.
What a bad idea. If I don't sign something, it's because I don't want it signed. Adding it would not be a courtesy!