A list of topics that ought to be forbidden (or at least discouraged) on Wiki:
This advice is intended as that - advice. The above topics were listed because they are - in general - OffTopic, and also because they generate much more heat than light. Maybe, "forbidden" is too strong of a word; I'm not going to try and forbid anything, nor do I have any intention of massively deleting that material which I don't personally approve of.
I just posted saying I was always right and therefore my posts would never be deleted. . . Can you believe that comment disappeared?
Perhaps we should call this HistoricallyFutileWikiTopics?, and then list topics that has been debated to death with only a large mess for show and are eventually deleted. Instead of being an advice for what topic to choose, let it be a warning for those who wish to walk that path again.
Apparently, the WBL vandal thinks this page is off-topic, as he is regularly deleting it!
cf LandMines