Wa Tir

"Web Application Testing In Ruby" - http://wtr.rubyforge.org/

Uses the win32ole module to drive IE's COM interface. Spectacularly stable and deterministic compared with, say, Selenium.

If you're Linux/Osx based WaTir works wonderfully well over the WineCompatibilityLayer.

If you are anything-based you will also enjoy FireWater?. It uses a MozillaFirefox plugin with a back-door to access your live JavaScript

after you figure out how to initialize the browser! we had to go with...


  task :default do
    system 'killall firefox-bin'
    sh '/Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox -jssh &'
    sh 'ruby automated_test.rb'

  require 'firewatir'
  include FireWatir

$browser = Firefox.new(:port => 9997, :profile => 'firewatir')
  class AcceptanceTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
    def setup
      @browser = $browser

looks like a job for ConfigurationHell! :-)

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