UsefulUsableUsed (I call this Uthree for short) Programs, written in Vb6 DoingStuff.DonaldNoyes.20131023
Doing and Using Stuff Simply
Here will be a list of programs which can be useful, are simply usable (few key strokes or manipulations), and which can be used quite often:
# of components: 4 - pcs:vbf:NysImageHandler? - label, pictureBox and two command buttons. # lines of code: 8 - pcs:vbs: NysImageHandler? - the eight lines of code required. Platform of use: WindowsSeven Built using VbClassic ( the prefixes used denote the PersonalCloudStorageLocation? space where artifacts are stored ) ( the image is captured with a click on the artifact, an alt-printScreen keystroke, which makes the artifact a clipboard object. clicking the first command button copies the object to the pictureBox, clicking the second command button is done if it looks right and you want to store it as an image to your computer FromWhere you then can further manipulate it: (sized, cropped, renamed and/or saved to other format, print, attach to email upload it or linkLocate it on social sites, and TheOtherThings you might want to do with it)
UthreeVbPrograms captured using the program: