Using Bold And Italic

To add italics to your text, put two single quotes before the italic text, and two single quotes after.

To add bold, use three single quotes before and after.

And if you use five quotes, you get bold AND italic both at the same time. (Way cool! ;-)

Or you can use some of the second kind, (bold) inside some of the first (italics).

But you can't swap back and forth between them without closing the quotes.

Use the Edit Text link to see the source of this page for an example. Go to the WikiWikiSandbox to try it yourself.

There was a time that to have multiple pieces of italic and bold in a single paragraph, one had to put hard returns into ones text so the parser understood what was going on. This limitation was removed with the conversion of wiki to perl5. You may still see pages whose source is formatted as such.

Q: What about adding alternative ways to enter strong and emphasized text? Double and triple single quotes lack the same intuitiveness as the other TextFormattingRules.

For example:

    Wiki                  Alternative
    This is emphasis  ==> This is /emphasis/
    This is strong   ==> This is *strong*
Mozilla Mail does this when rendering plaintext email. -- TimTaylor

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