Find meaning by personally constructed examples ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20110525
When the following statement was encountered, I didn't understand it. So I created a structure which included SimpleMinded examples:
reconciling of apparent ontological differences, by means of relevant distinctions and contextual analyses
Distinctions RedVsBlue Complete Cooked vs Incomplete Raw Contextual Analyses Locale OnMyDesk OnYourDesk InFileA1 InFileB1 Several Places Time YesterdayTodayTomorrow SpecificDate DuringSpecificTimePeriod WhenSomethingElseHappens? ContainsWord or Words ExtremeProgramming AgileMethodology Supply And Demand Example Specific
Often phrases, sentences and paragraphs will fall into the Domain of "I Don't Understand This", perhaps a similar technique of providing personally understandable examples will bring some enlightenment. It takes some time and some head scratching, but can prove to be a valuable use of both time and thought. The above was constructed in about 5 minutes.
To make it "reachable", I use the technique of capturing the page to OneNote, because it will provide searching capabilities fitting the developed structure into a large collection of artifacts.
To make a page "readable", I convert them into ReallyValuablePages to a Pdf Format which is then readable using my Reader/Browser/Pad. (Pandigital 20110203)