I may soon call you on my WebRtc? enabled device DoingStuff.DonaldNoyes.20131210
- is a new service for making calls right from your Twitter-account
- The service is one using the new WebRtcStandard?, allowing real-time-communication
- is built on Node.js and is a single-page application
- will allows millions of people to keep in touch in a new way from within Twitter
- Soon they will be able to communicate using this voice and video service
- Twitter is an ideal platform to accommodate such a service
- It is a matter of time as to when this service will become
- Find-out-more
- Twelephone
- Could it be that some one will apply this technology by building a plug-in for the SmallestFederatedWiki?
- A recording of a hang-out dealing with the subject of WebRtc? and any-browser, any-device usage schema
- Build-Platform: DiGium? makes available an open-source program called AsteRisk?
- said to seamlessly connect with VoIP and legacy-communication-systems