TiredOfDebating is a WikiTag inspired by discussions in DeclineOfCivility.
Usage example
In a seemingly endless debate one side adds a TiredOfDebating (possibly add a date immediately) tag.
This is a signal to
Person issuing the TiredOfDebating tag is requesting a truce to allow uninvolved members of WikiCommunity a breather from WikiNoisePollution. The person probably does not want to respond for at least a fortnight (14 days).
If later the debates are resumed, then the person who raised the TiredOfDebating flag will remove it, and post a (hopefully) more considered opinion without getting all emotionally fired up.
What do people think?
I can understand no response in Jan05 as lots of people here were (then) engaged in one of several EditWars. Recent "furor" about MS technology (or lack of) and /or content (or lack of) led me to revisit this forgotten page. It does seem C2 people who are vocal here do not seem (sic?) the MS pages do them any good, and are extremely forgiving towards MarkOfCostin? type behavior. -- dl note Sep05
What I think is that with the implementation of TheAdjunct as a place to take OffTopic material, this issue is, and ought to remain, history. With respect to the tag, it seems redundant with simply stopping editing, and has an whiff of impatience and incivility itself. I recommend it be deleted.
I've taken this approach before and had it backfire. Your opponent may not understand that you are backing off and letting him have the last word -- he may think you are trying to improve your appearance to spectators by removing failed arguments. I agree that the useless back and forth rhetoric should be deleted, but consider leaving a comment explaining the edit. You could refer to this page and add a DeleteWhenRead tag.
TiredOfDebating can be used as a SaveFace? maneuver to run away from responsibility.
As a practical example, DavidLiu, uses it currently to avoid any reasonable explanation after several people called him to task about the "content" he created. Nevermind the dishonesty of declaring himself as TiredOfDebating and then mounting an attack against me on TheAdjunct (aka talking behind one's back). See MarkOfCostin?, that now he uses here quasi-anonymously. So while he's tired when he's asked to pick up some responsibility for the quality of the content being honestly questioned by now 5 different persons, he is full of energy when it comes to dishonest attacks, also he's quite energic in sprawling more anonymous WikiOnWiki (another wiki AntiPattern he does not want to give acccount for ) that are supposed to be used later to justify his actions.
An honest TiredOfDebating can be called after a reasonable effort has been made to engage in a "debate" or if the term "debate" sounds wrong with you, in dialectic mode. Some people went ThreadMode 10 or more rounds to present the arguments and counter arguments, but certainly when not the least effort has been put to defend a position or idea being questioned, TiredOfDebating is just oprdinary trolling. Many wiki trolls at one point or another in the history pretended to be TiredOfDebating and decided on their own they were right to go about the way they saw fit. It's the perfect excuse to run away from any responsibility and accountability, especially combined with going anonymous. --CostinCozianu