A WikiClone Ward helped us set up.
Us -- RalphHodgson and MartineDevos and DougMcDavid
We use the SystemEnvisioningWiki to prepare our Oopsla-workshop (third edition) on SystemEnvisioning. There are some places left :-) so be sure to visit http://c2.com:8040/WelcomeVisitors and join us in Vancouver for a highly interactive experience.
Busy on Sunday morning? No problem: you can still help us work on a method for requirements engineering and surfacing "hidden" assumptions. In the afternoon we invite people interested in patterns, or with a strong opinion on patterns to share it in a ConceptCafe on objects and patterns.
Do you want to participate in this experiment -- fun guaranteed !!! -- please contact me as soon possible at mailto:mdevos@argo.be
-- MartineDevos
The wiki clone does not respond anymore (quite long ago, I assume). Is there a way to get the materials of the wiki/workshop? --OmCandea