I'm an active professional as a Java programmer. I entered the software engineering field by the usual old way: StructuredProgramming, RelationalDatabases, optimization theories, no design:-)
I have been converted to OOP and good programming practices by a 6-months long struggle with habits, followed by a 3 years read-anything-you-can test-anything-you-find in this field and related areas.
I have a background in philosophy (logic and philosophy of science).
Main areas of interest:
- Requirements Analysis, Analysis patterns
- Formal treatment of real domains and the unavoidable informal part of domain analysis
- Design, software architecture (I'm rather a believer in DesignUpFront and even BigDesignUpFront oops:-)
- OOP in any form/language, but especially SmalltalkLanguage
Though, I can't pretend to be a smalltalker because I only worked in Smalltalk for my own pleasure.
Favourite quotes:
- "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to bad design, and many may enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to good design, and only a few find it. " (BillVenners)
I will continue reading this page, even if I don't always spend much time on the wiki, so if you like to send me a word, it will be welcome.