What are the TypesOfTyping?
I did just a little research a few months ago, trying to find out just what it meant for a language to be StronglyTyped.
My conclusion: there is no commonly agreed-upon meaning for 'strongly typed language'.
Other articles conflated 'strongly typed' with 'has compile-time type checking' (http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/0,289893,sid9_gci213058,00.html for example.) It appears that 'strongly typed' may have at least the following meanings:
I no longer use the phrases 'strongly typed' or 'strong typing'.
There is undoubly a lot of confusion about this term, however the the second definition given above seems right to me:
StronglyTyped languages are defined in the way which allows to check typing constraints at compile-time. No, that's StaticallyTyped.
According to this definition C, C++ or Java aren't StronglyTyped languages. In C and C++ there is pointer to void, Java has typing constrains 'leak' for arrays. ObjectiveCaml can be example of StronglyTyped language. In ObjectiveCaml compiler is able to check any type constraint at compile time.
-- PiotrWocal
No need to be confused- there always will be programmers that use such terms without understanding them, as there will always be people that use words they don't understand. Please see [[http://kahakai.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/StronglyTyped]]
-- imilev
The definition given there simply proves MarkJasonDominus' point:
Does not permit arbitrary, implicit conversion between types. For example adding a string constant to an int constant is usually forbidden. A StronglyTyped language checks type integrity of programs statically -- that is, at compile time. A program can never fail at runtime due to a type error. Ada, Haskell, ML and Java are all StronglyTyped languages.
Forbidding implicit conversion is a different and independent property from checking type integrity of programs at CompileTime. The latter is what most people would call StaticTyping, not strong typing. Java does allow implicit conversions in some cases. Java programs can fail at runtime due to a type error.
There's a problem here. It very often doesn't make sense to talk of a language of StronglyTyped, or StaticallyTyped, or whatever. One needs to draw a distinction between the language and the style it is being used in. Frequently a program will use both StaticallyTyped and DynamicallyTyped styles together. There is nothing inherently wrong with this.
A StaticallyTyped programming style means that one relies on the compiler to do type checking. A DynamicallyTyped programming style means that type checking is done at runtime.
A StronglyTyped programming style means that one works within the type system, that is, you don't arbitrarily convert from one type to another. A WeaklyTyped programming style means that you use something like a C cast or C++ reinterpret_cast<> to do exactly that.
WeaklyTyped programming is obviously the least popular of the 4 styles above. C more or less forces WeaklyTyped programming upon people, which is why people seem to think of it as a "WeaklyTyped language". But it makes more sense to say that "writing non-trivial programs in C will often only be possible by using a WeaklyTyped style".
Yeah, people get confused about this a lot. It's a rather fine grain of distinction, and it takes a bit of experience with a diverse group of languages to realize what people are talking about.
Firstly, 90% of the time, we don't talk about StrongTyping or WeakTyping (even if we say it). We usually mean StaticTyping and DynamicTyping.
int *my_int = malloc( sizeof( int ) ); // Make a memory address on the heap. char *my_char = (char *)(my_int); // Note the typecast, a hallmark of this kind of programming int **my_ptr_int = (int **)(my_int); // Another type.We associate one heap address with several types of data. There really isn't an "authorative" representation here. The memory is just memory, and the syntax of C defines the type.
I know this repeats a bit of what's said above, but I wanted to consolidate what we had and add an example.
-- DaveFayram
Why say "C++ without the virtual keyword"? "virtual" doesn't get in the way of complete static typing.
Another difference between static and dynamic type checking is that static typing assigns types to a program's terms (i.e. the code), while dynamic typing assigns types to a program's runtime values.
Your description of "weak typing" seems to mean "a language that performs implicit conversions". This would imply that strong typing doesn't allow for different behavior in different contexts (such as C++-style method overloading). Also, I don't see how C is dynamically typed at all.
My preferred definition of strong/weak typing is when you make "strongly typed" synonymous with "has a powerful type system". "Using the programming language's type system, how accurately can you describe your data and algorithms?" It's a scale, not a yes/no thing. C++ is more strongly typed than C because it has parametric polymorphism (through templates), letting you create generic data types that are still accurately typed. Python is not as strongly typed as C++ because it can't accurately represent such types. C++ may have loopholes, but Python's type system is still weaker.
-- KannanGoundan?
An even easier example is:
union { int i, char c, int *p };BTW: "Translating" the above to Java would possibly result in a base class with three derived classes and accessing the "wrong" storage layout would be caught at run time. (But to play devils advocate: from the user's viewpoint, does it REALLY matter whether some application fails with a "BadCastException?" thrown or for some other reason?)
When I made type errors like the union example in C++ the system crashed 4 releases and 6 months later in production. When I make type errors like this in Java the system crashes 2 seconds later in a unit test. FailFast is close to what this is about. Your mileage may vary, I am sure better bounds checkers, and operating systems other than Windows 3.1 would help.
See also TypingQuadrant, WeakAndStrongTyping, StronglyTypedCollection, StronglyTypedWithoutLoopholes.