6DoKB is a spoof of the phrase SixDegreesOfSeparation which was popularized by the play of the same name written by John Guare. The play explains that everyone is six handshakes away from anyone in the world. The play in turn is influenced by the SmallWorld theory.
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon posits that every movie actor can be connected to Kevin Bacon in 6 movies or less. The Game is played where one player thinks of an actor or actress. The other player makes the connections back to Kevin Bacon. Simple, yes, but oddly compelling. An example:
'Q:' tom cruise
kevin baconIf you're not good at coming up with the answers, you can play this game at http://www.cs.virginia.edu/oracle/ which reports
The Oracle says: Humphrey Bogart has a Bacon number of 2.
This is my 6DoKB:
According to TheTippingPoint, KevinBacon is not the best-connected actor in movies. That title goes to RodSteiger?.
See also: SmallWorld ErdosNumber CategoryWhimsy, GodwinsLawMeetsKevinBacon