Act boldly and unseen forces will come to your aid. - Dorothea Brande
Often, an organization seems plagued by inertia. Everybody acknowledges that the current situation is bad, but nobody wants to change. Any tentative efforts made by anyone are quickly quashed. Change seems impossible. But then somebody makes a committed effort, diving in and ignoring all resistance. Something interesting happens - suddenly, all sorts of other people join in and support the effort. This often includes people the initiator may not know, or whom the initiator assumed would not be willing to help.
How to ensure only value remains
One secret of wiki is that much of the politeness comes from volunteer editors that tone down the flames after the fact. One of the simplest edits is to remove or revise comments directed at individuals. I invite everyone to edit these pages until only the valuable words remain. -- WardCunningham
How to make meaningful lists
If you want accuracy and meaningfulness by your own measure, make your own list! It will then reflect your culture, reading habits and geography.
Important success factor
If there is just one factor that is critical to success, and that applies no matter what it is you want to be successful at, it must be that it is worthy. Here the use of the word "worthy" is to signify that it is "valued", accepted because it adds or accomplishes something of value.
..."worthy" is to signify that it is "valued"... This has proven to be a very subjective thing, and is often at the core of many disagreements. What is valued by one, may not seem to have value to another, often due to ignorance of the thing, or gross misunderstanding often do to Wiki's LanguageBarriers.
Realize that there are those who do not for one reason or another. See CiderHouseRules
This place practices intuition
Perhaps it is just that instead of starting from the definition and building theory on top of it, the theory is what we discover while we are searching for the definition. Patterns are observed, formulated, refined, and validated by this community, as a means of describing what is experienced in the process of creating buildings, software, etc.; whether the experience is physical, mental, or emotional, the method of inquiry remains valid.
While KellyJohnson? (of Skunkworks fame) always said never build a 'plane you don't believe in, it can also be said, don't build a page you don't believe in.