Without the ability to synthesize into an (eventual) DocumentMode, this Wiki loses a lot of what makes it special. A page with sprawling ThreadMode is almost always more signal than noise, and as far as threaded-discussion goes, Wiki is definitely lacking to all sorts of other online discussion forums: SlashDot, or UltimateBbs?, or whatever.
Most pages can be refactored in a way that is respectful to all the meanings represented in the ThreadMode. But if a page cannot be refactored -- and often this is because the topic is too controversial, and the participants are too uninterested in mutual respect -- then we need to ask ourselves: Why is this page here? Shouldn't this page just be deleted?
SociologyWikiSeedList, I am looking at you ...
Well, it is still Spring.
The inability to synthesize the debate into DocumentMode does not mean the ThreadMode is without value - at a minimum it serves to illustrate some the arguments that can be made, responses to them, and how strongly the participants feel about them. Just because you are unable to refactor the contents satisfactorily does not mean that a more skilled WikiMaster may not be able to. -- AndyPierce
But who is refactoring these pages? Are we just waiting around for a RefactorerExMachina?
ThreadMode is good for generating discussions (i.e. for writers). DocumentMode is good for distilling discussions (i.e. for readers). Any ThreadMode that's left over is noise. There are exceptions, but as a general rule, I think it stands.
Since everyone on wiki is by definition both a reader and writer, the distinction is meaningless. To say that ThreadMode has zero information content (i.e. is "noise") is obviously wrong since otherwise ThreadMode could never be refactored to DocumentMode.
We are rarely both readers and writers at the same time. And also, there is a very large audience that never (or rarely) writes. The emphasis on DocumentMode makes a lot of sense in this context.
To say that ThreadMode has zero information ...
That's not what I said. I said 'any ThreadMode that's left over', meaning 'after conversion to DocumentMode'. If you can't convert it to DocumentMode, then clearly it has no content. Like I said, there are exceptions.
Well, you're entitled to your opinion. I think you're wrong. I hope you will respect my opinion and not DisagreeByDeleting. -- AndyPierce