Peopleware Books (part of the Wiki BookList)
People and Computers
- TeamThink, Ava S. Butler gives 72 ways to make good, smart, quick decisions in a meeting
- PeopleWare, by DeMarco and Lister -- the classic
- WisdomOfTeams by by Jon R. Katzenbach, Douglas K. Smith
- JourneyOftheSoftwareProfessional, LukeHohmann
- ThePracticalCogitator
- HowSoftwareSystemsLearn, D'NarbTrawets?
- ThePsychologyOfComputerProgramming, GeraldWeinberg
- The QualitySoftwareManagement series, GeraldWeinberg
- The SecretsOfConsulting, GeraldWeinberg. How to influence organizations; how to survive as a consultant.
- DeathMarch, Edward Yourdon. Bad software projects: why they happen, when to leave, and how to survive if you can't leave.
- TheArtOfWare: Sun Tzu's Classic work reinterpreted for software, BruceWebster?
- ZenAndTheArtOfMotorcycleMaintenance; RobertPirsig
- TheSoulOfNewMachine?; Tracy Kidder explores what it is to be an engineer, and how engineering teams operate. I've found a lot of correlation between the organizational patterns and antipatterns on these pages to what goes on in the pages of this book. For instance, CompetitiveDevelopment in the building of a simulator, and in the designing of the computer itself.
- HandbookOfTeamDesign, Peter H. Jones
- CloseToTheMachine: Technophilia and Its Discontents, Ellen Ullman
- ShowStopper; The inside story of the development of NT
- ManagingSensitiveProjects, d'Herbement and C�sar
- NoMoreTeams, Michael Schrage
- SlavesOfTheMachine and MothsToTheFlame, Gregory Rawlins
- GettingItDone?, Roger Fisher and Alan Sharp. Book on how to solve problems, especially when you're not in charge. In line with ExtremeProgramming ideas but applicable to all situations.
- CreatingaSoftwareEngineeringCulture, KarlWeigers?. Interesting to contrast with ExtremeProgrammingExplainedEmbraceChange - is there any?
- ManagingTechnicalPeople
- DynamicsOfSoftwareDevelopment - Motivation and communication advice aimed at larger teams. Slanted toward off-the-shelf or internal software development in some cases.