Take a look at http://www.inet.tele.fi/team/panu/ (BrokenLink since March 17, 2001; maintained for searchability)
for my home-page.
WIKI is cool. I built a www-bulletin board remotely like it.
The main differences are:
- The text you enter may be plain text but if you start it with the <HTML> tag it will be interpreted as such.
- You may use any userID which then is used to form a crypted suffix. If you re-enter the same message-title and userID, you can EDIT your previous message. If you use an empty userID others can guess it and you can collaborate.
- The messages are all in the same area, the most recent at the top, and they flow over the bottom of the page to ever larger bins.
Have fun
AreYouThere -- October 13, 2004; last edit March 17, 2001 (not by Panu)