MaxthonBrowser ( has TabbedBrowsing features that MicrosoftInternetExplorer did not. It was previously called MyIE2.
Since it is built on InternetExplorer technology, it will be affected by security exposures that are IE specific. I am happy to see recent (Nov04) IE patch for IFRAME is applied to MaxthonBrowser pretty quickly.
As at early 2005 I am quite happy with my short experience in using MaxthonBrowser. Anyone seen problems reported that prevents its use as a InternetExplorer alternative, for WebApplication usage?
MaxthonBrowser vs MozillaFirefox
hearsay of better features without personal experience
Q How well can MaxthonBrowser mimic InternetExplorer 5.x to sites that require IE? For example, would WindowsUpdate from MS accept it?
Q I am assuming MaxthonBrowser will not work if IE is uninstalled. How is MaxthonBrowser affected by WindowsXp SP2, which uses new APIs and changed InternetExplorer in many significant ways?
Q Any links to speculations how will WindowsLonghorn impact the likes of MaxthonBrowser?