A toy plastic building-block kit(s) from the Lego company - http://www.lego.com
'Lego' comes from 'leg godt', which means 'play well' in Danish.
They are often used as an analogy for software construction because one can snap them together easily and use pre-built snap-in components like wheels, doors, gear connectors, faces, battery motors, etc. DouglasCoupland's novel "MicroSerfs?" describes a fictional software company called OOP that produces Lego inspired software.
Lego players and theoreticians
Lego-related software (not LegoMindstorms)
How about a LegoWiki?, where instead writing pages you can construct buildings? Now wouldn't that be cool...
Be careful with this LegoToy, for embedded in it is the message: "GoTo". Ooh! Evil SubliminalMessage?s!
Lego is sometimes called the "second greatest toy". The first is something I can't say in front of the kids.
see also: DuploChallenge, DolphinWikiWeb