Know The Tools Niche

Know the Niche of a Given Tool

One thing that seems to get lost in a lot of tool HolyWars is that often each tool has a niche or set of circumstances where it shines the most. The further you slide from that niche, the less the tool fits. But due the marketing and/or "fanboy" noise, accurate information about the niche gets lost. How many sales-persons or brochures will tell you what their product doesn't cover well? Thus, one of the hardest parts in researching a tool is finding out where it's Goldilocks Zone[1] is in relation to the competition. --top


[1] Borrowed from astrobiology term for the narrow orbit zone/distance where potential carbon-based life wouldn't be baked away or frozen to death.

EditHint: The name doesn't wiki-tize well. Before changing it, let's first collect suggestions for a better name:

See Also: PickTheRightToolForTheJob; TheRightTool; PickTheRightJobForTheTool; PickAnOkToolForTheJob


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