I am an independent consultant and trainer in the UK. I am interested in a wide range of topics including programming languages and practices, patterns in various domains and at various levels, software architecture and agile development.
You can contact me by email (mailto:kevlin@curbralan.com, mailto:kevlin.henney@gmail.com or mailto:kevlin@acm.org). My company web site is at http://www.curbralan.com. Some kind soul generously added me to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevlin_Henney), although the entry is somewhat incomplete. Some other stuff about me can be found at http://www.kevlin.eu.
[Notes from Other People]
I don't suppose that you could publish the JutLand (JUTLAND: Java Unit Testing: Light, Adaptable 'n' Discreet) library online so people could try it out? Like something accessible outside a few conference presentations that are inaccessible to those who did not attend the conference. Thank you for considering the idea! -- JeffGrigg