HigherPrinciplesDiscussion is created as a discussion page on WikiHigherPrinciples.
After enduring seemingly endless wars even since I came to Wiki, and seeing valued WikiZens left in disgust (very strong word but it communicates the feeling of the ones that left), I felt there is a need to look BeyondWarAndCasualties.
And perhaps quite timely as well. LarrySanger has just published his memoirs, and revealed a side of WikiPedia I was never aware as a user. Instead before I became active here I was not aware of the difficulties facing the most valuable RegularContributors here.
0th Draft Wiki HigherPrinciples - Apr05
Meaning all else being equal, the following considerations carry more weight
In descending order of importance
WorkInProgress. Just like life itself.
Your input.. pls identify yourself in case many people started to comment