Complaining about the DeclineOfCivility is fine, but what can we do about it?
The civility challenged usually mean well, and they have lots to contribute. They just lack two things: an understanding of the techniques of civility, and a theory of why civility is a good thing. Unlike most people, they require the latter before they'll willingly practice the former.
Give them a civility pattern language.
Well, I'm not up for a pattern language right now. But how about a few CivilityPatterns?
Let's not limit these to participation on a Wiki. In fact, let's not do WikiOnWiki at all. Let's post some practical insight into sharing a planet day to day with other human beings.
Contributors: BenKovitz, lots more (already!)
20 years! Miss Manners is mistaken. I have a 7yo and 4yo that are almost perfect about saying please --PeteHardie
Wait until they become teenagers, and you'll see
OnceAndOnlyOnce seems a little out of context here. OAOO is about protecting written material from being corrupted because of unknown duplicates. Civility should include tolerance for a repeated message that may not yet have been understood by others.
Some stuff shifted to WikiOnWiki ( upon a particularly civil request !)
See also LevelsOfPoliteness.