Carl Angiolillo

I don't know how you got here. There aren't many links, I hope that doesn't make me a WalledGarden. I'm just looking around a little, writing this more to myself than anyone else.

JonathanTang first pointed this house out to me when we were working on building an operating system (for a class).

I'm a big fan of the JavaLanguage, because it's how I learned to program, and I'm a fan of the SchemeLanguage because it's how I wish I learned to program. So as such I try to convince the folks who hire me to let me teach Scheme, or at least lisp or somesuch.

I prefer OpenBsd to any particular LinuxDistribution. Since a lot of my background is more mathy I just love wandering through all the crypto they've got. Clever folks. OpenBSD understands though that my flirting with BeOs is just a fling and I will always return.

I haven't made substantial contributions to any pages here because I usually end up reading far more than I write. Another few weeks and I might start fixing spelling errors.

This house you folks have built is mighty impressive. I've been wandering around for a little while. I'll see something, push it onto my open tabs, browse that, finish reading, pop the tab. So far I've been pushing a lot more than I've been popping.

Oh, and I haven't quite gotten the hang of all of the unwritten rules around here yet. If I have violated some taboo by creating this page, just let me know before deleting this page ? -CarlAngiolillo

How about saying "WikiMailBox" here? sounds good.


I think I'm supposed to say "CategoryHomePage" here. Yes, that's right. great. picking it up slowly.

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