BlackBerry is a brandname for a PersonalDigitalAssistant that had a phenomenal growth in popularity, partly due to its good on-the-fly email and WirelessSecurity features. See
Some of the features of this unit require subscription to specialized BlackBerry services.
The device uses a proprietary operating system but there are JavaLanguage based models. Comments were made that this helped BlackBerry SecurityManagement features stand out amongst competitive WirelessDevices.
Fallen King of the SmartPhone
I looked at a mid05 glossay for a BlackBerry model 7100g. It claimed email attachments can be downloaded and viewed, including graphics, PDFs, word docs, etc. It also supporting viewing of HTML (and WAP) web pages. I am impressed.
FAQ in BlackBerry forum at
US Airport using BlackBerry for security checks at
Squeeze on BlackBerry at