Better Editor For Wiki

Is there a way to use a better editor for Wiki? I find the built in Web page one wanting. -- ThaddeusOlczyk

See UsingWikiWithLynx. This allows you to edit Wiki with your favourite editor!

From WhyWikiWorks: Wiki is not WysiWyg. Contra TheDumbingDownOfProgramming, it's an intelligence test of sorts to be able to edit a Wiki page. But I think that's (perhaps widely shared) opinion rather than fact. Personally, I use cut & paste from emacs for anything longer than a paragraph

See also: WysiwygWiki, WikiCpp.

A simple idea on this: build a localhost pass-through proxy (use Perl or Python or Rebol or ...) that

  1. greps for wiki?edit=.* in the URL
  2. grabs the response and stuffs it into the editor of your choice.
  3. waits for the editor to be done
  4. grabs the edited response and tosses it back to Wiki
  5. then tells your browser to refresh the page
  6. in all other ways doesn't do much of anything.

Yes I know I ought to just go build it - it's going to be 5 lines long or less. But it's been a couple of days and I haven't got round to it, so please paste your implementation here. Thanks. -- PeterMerel


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