Bad Spellers Need Help From Browsers

From a bug report to Netscape Corp. regarding Navigator 2.0 ...

Find (Ctrl-F) does not find words in textarea fields like the one I am typing in right now. See, there, I just did a search for "textarea" and it couldn't find the word in the previous sentence.

Find should search these fields when it comes to them. It should also properly scroll the field so that the found word(s) are visible.

I run a server that relies on considerable text entry through forms. I spell check this input and report misspellings in my response to the post. A typical reaction is to backup to the posting page and search for the misspelling. Unfortunately for the poster, their browser software is unwilling to assist them in this search. Please help.

I wonder if any browser handles this search case? -- WardCunningham

Emacs w3-mode handles it perfectly well -- since when you edit a textarea you get a new buffer, with the full power of emacs there (for example, you can run ispell-buffer directly, as I just did.) -- MarkEichin

There are a lot of situations where a generic browser spell check plug-in would be very useful. Ideally, it might be able to check the form field where cursor is, check all fields on the current page, and/or be configured to auto-check all form fields when you tabbed out.

Does anyone know anything along those lines that actually exists? I gather that the Emacs w3-mode post above is probably referring to something like that, but being unix-impaired I have no idea. Anything out there for standard NetscapeNavigator or InternetExplorer on Windows or Mac? -- DaveMerrill

Unfortunately a spell checker wouldn't help with the three most common mistakes seen on the internet:

Sometimes I wonder... didn't these people attend elementary school? At all? It boggles my mind.

For those that are using MozillaFirefox, check out the spellbound extension:


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