XPDX hosted a CodeSprint on April 9-10, 2005 in downtown PortlandOregon. Here are some photos...
There's another one coming, May 25th-26th, 2005 at FreeGeek in SE PortlandOregon.
A CodeSprint is a gathering of a bunch of programmers to complete a short, rapid development project. It allows developers from different companies to work together and learn from each other. Most importantly, it's a fun weekend where we can make some impressive advances in interesting projects.
We're all meeting in one big room, where we'll code and talk smack until beer-thirty. Come pair with long-time XPers to learn from their experience.
Or, pair with people from other backgrounds to get a fresh look at your own practices.
If you're intending to attend at least part of the sprint, please email Arlo Belshee (a_xp_code_sprint AT arlim DOT org). You can also add your name to the wiki, below.
We've currently got about 20 confirmed attendees from Oregon, Washington, and California. There's no headcount limit; come on down and join us for a weekend of coding, learning, and fun. If you can't make it for the whole weekend, just tell Arlo which day you will join us.
We are focusing on Python because it is a new language to many of us, and one that works well with XP. Also, Python integrates tightly with other common XP languages, allowing us to easily blend in XP work in a number of different areas. Currently, people have expressed interest in the following languages.
This is not a pure
PythonSprint. Please feel free to come if you've never even heard of the language. Many of us will be learning it this weekend. Also, if you have no interest in Python, come anyway. There will be a lot of work in Java and C++, and a smattering of other options.
If anyone has a project that they want to work on, please add it to this page. Here are some get us started.
- http://pythoncard.sourceforge.net/
- http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/, or MoinMoin plugins (for example a WYSIWYG editor for Moin).
- http://scons.sourceforge.net/
- http://ipodder.sourceforge.net/index.php
- How about a rocket telemetry data analysis or visualization tool for http://psas.pdx.edu/? We could even provide live hardware.
- Scope, a simpler automated test framework for CeePlusPlus that takes advntage of the features of that language.
- Agile programming infrastructure. Some (as yet poorly defined) set of integrated tools to allow unit testing, automated build, automated smoke testing, release control, SCM, and other necessary activities. Glue together existing products, and provide a single installer that will configure the whole suite. If anyone knows of one of these currently in progress, please update this page to add a link.
- Your wish is my command: The PyPy project is making one of these, right now, see: http://codespeak.net/py/current/doc/ The part that is most done is the unittest framework, for automated testing, here: http://codespeak.net/py/current/doc/test.html . This is a complete rewrite: it is not PyUnit? which is part of the standard library. You can get involved with this project at any time -- now for instance. It is, of course, open source. You can download our source here: http://codespeak.net/py/current/doc/getting_started.html and join the mailing list here: http://codespeak.net/mailman/listinfo/py-dev . Since the PyPy project members mostly live in Europe coming to your Sprint is unlikely for most of us. We are, however, coming to PyCon http://www.python.org/pycon/2005/ and we are having a Sprint there: http://www.python.org/moin/PyPySprint . We could work on the further development of the pylib there, if you are interested. Warning: the PyCon PyPy Sprint is not the place for people who want to learn the Python language. Holger Krekel will be presenting a talk on py.test at PyCon. Also, you can reach us pretty much all the time on the channel #pypy on irc.freenode.net . All the best. Laura Creighton
- For automated, distributed builds and unit-test driving, you may wish to consider buildbot (http://buildbot.sf.net), based on the Twisted Python framework (http://twistedmatrix.com). It models itself after Mozilla's Tinderbox project, but is relatively easier to configure. -- Steve Beattie, a happy buildbot user
- Remote XP collaboration. VNC and Skype? Is there an SSH client that allows a session to be shared?
- ArcheTypes: Framework for the development of new Content Types in Zope/CMF/Plone. Schema driven automatic form generation, simple integration with rich content types, and a lower entry bar to the complex requirements Zope places on new content objects. All done in and with Python. (low priority, not interested in detracting from more serious XP and Python topics).
- LineOfSightChess
If you're intending to attend at least part of the sprint, please add your name to the list below. The list won't be complete, but it will give us a good idea of how many people to plan for. If there's something that you really want to work on, please list it with your name.
I'm planning to attend:
- ArloBelshee (both days). I want to work on enabling tools for XP.
- IanOsgood. This sounds like an ideal environment for learning both Python and XP.
- RobbShecter Sounds like a great time, over all. Can do Python and/or Java.
- ScottDavidDaniels I'm interested in fleshing out a new zipfile PEP, extending the current code, and doing a bit more pairish programming.
- Jeff Sherwin - got a job working on python start 4/11- great timing :)
- Bob Langill (both days.) I'm currently coding in COBOL, EZtrev+, and JCL. I'm a Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform 1.4 (That's how Sun directed me to describe it). I've worked with a number of languages and platforms, but have never touched Python. This should be a good test of XP's effectiveness at knowledge transfer.
- AndrewBlack. I'm interested in learning Python; I know XP and OO. I'm not too particular what project I work on. I'll probably be there on Saturday only.
- RikSmoody
- WardCunningham
- JimShore
- DianaLarsen. I'm not a programmer. I'll be visiting and observing for the retrospective.
- TomHeady?
- JonStewart
- GavinDoughtie
- PatrickLogan. I will be there both days. I have some experience with CPython, CPython w/dotnet (not IronPython but I'd like to try it), Jython, and Smalltalk.
- AliMu?ñiz (both days.) I might be interested in working on pythoncard.
- BrianDorsey?
- KimWallmark?. I'm interested in learning Smalltalk. I'll be there Saturday afternoon and Sunday.
- ClaytonWheeler?. I have a certain amount of CPython experience, but I'd like to see how the pros do it; I mostly work with Java these days. I'm definitely interested in learning more about Smalltalk and XP.
- JonathanHager? (Saturday only)
- Hitendra Babaria. I am a C / C++ developer but have no idea of XP or Python. But sounds like fun. Would probably attend both days.
- RichardAmerman (Sat only) I work primarily with Plone and Zope (oh, and .NET during the day). I'm especially interested in remote XP techniques and tools. Also, if anyone is interested in Archetypes and ArchGenXML.
- TopherCyll?. I'm looking for an opportunity to really give XP a try. I know python, and I'd be interested in Archetypes, the zipfile stuff, or anything really.
- DenisLanglais Want to learn more about XP especially Test Driven Development and Automated Builds
- PeterHinson? (Some Saturday and Sunday) I am well acquainted with Python and its joys. I have very little practical XP experience, though. Looking forward to it!
- AndyGlew (Sunday only, if I have my taxes done; childcare issues on Saturday). If I can't make this sprint I hope to make the next. Python novice, although it was used extensively at AMD. I'm interested in distributed version control.
- LorenDelamarter - Saturday, no experience with Python. Interested in XP and automation.
- GarySick? - Saturday, also no experience with Python. Interested in XP and learning how others do XP.
- KevinTurner?. Knows that Python thing, interested in having more XP clueage.
- KevinAltis? - PythonCard project lead
Critical Path Software his kindly invited us to use a floor of its downtown facilities for this sprint. The office is at 711 SW Alder St. in downtown Portland. It is about a block from Pioneer Courthouse Square, so is an easy MAX ride from many places in the city.
The code sprint will run on April 9th and 10th. We will start each day at 10:00, and run until evening. Saturday night, several of us will probably troop on down to one of the local beer establishments.
ArloBelshee is organizing this event. If you have questions, you may contact him via email at a_xp_code_sprint AT arlim DOT org.
I'm very much annoyed that I was not able to attend this one. Any chance of this becoming a regular PDX area event? Say, thrice per year, or something?
-- SteveJorgensen
There was a lot of talk about this. (The Seattle XP group does a weekly sprint at a coffee house.)