Wiki Name Internationalization

Moved from WikiNames:

If you are interested in international WikiNames, these are the relevant character sets for Latin-1:


which includes (among other letters) Ð Ð Ý Ý Þ Þ Ç Ç

lowerletters = "a-zàáâãäåæèéê?ëìíîïòóôõöøùúûüýÿçµß?ðñþ"

which includes (among other letters) ð ð ç ç ë ë þ þ µ µ

So ... there's no such thing as captial Y diaeresis, only lowercase y diaeresis ?

See AlphabetThatUsesYumlaut.

One should also note that WardsWiki, hosted in America, has standardized on American English spellings for WikiNames.


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