See BookMarklet for explanation.
(1) Get Global Web Backlinks (not the local ones within this Wiki)
E.g. When being on Ward's homepage, let the bookmarklet replace the addressline: "" by ""
As nobody did this introductory sample, the initiator of this page feels obliged to supply it himself:
(a) Put the following text in the addressline of your browser:
javascript:Qr=location.href;location.href=''+escape(Qr)(b) Save it in your browser's ("Favorites") link-list with the name "backlinks"
(c) When on an arbitrary Webpage, click on "backlinks" and you'll get all the backlinks as indexed by AltaVista.
If you know a SearchEngine with a richer index of backlinks, you may adapt this bookmarklet accordingly.
-- fp
google: javascript:Qr=location.href;location.href=''+escape(Qr)
Visit to generate your own Search Bookmarklets with the following bookmarklet:
javascript:void(location.href=''+location.href)and a userfriendly CGI-Programm at the bookmarklets site.
Here's an example of a cross-browser BookMarklet that allows you to recolor other people's pages with a web-safe color...
(a) Put the following text (copy it from the editing box) in the addressline of your browser:
javascript:G='(b) Save it in your browser's ("Favorites") link-list with the name "color(..)". Note: check the properties of what you've saved, and copy the bookmarklet text into the url field if necessary.';C='00,33,66,99,CC,FF'.split(',');m='margin';w='width=';h='height=';s='space=0';W=open(,'Color',w+756+','+h+126);H='<html><head><title>Color</title></head><body '+m+h+'0 '+m+w+'0 left'+m+'=0 top'+m+'=0><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>';for(r=0;r<6;r++){H+='<tr>';for(g=0;g<6;g++){for(b=0;b<6;b++){X='#'+C[r]+C[g]+C[b];H+='<td '+w+'17 '+h+'17 bgcolor='+X+'>';H+=('<img alt='+X+' h'+s+'v'+s+'border=0 '+w+'17 '+h+'17 src='+G+'>').link('javascript:opener.document.bgColor=\+X+'\';void(0)');H+='</td>';}};H+='</tr>';};H+='</table></body></html>';W.document.write(H);Q=setTimeout('W.close()',600000);void(0);// bgColor ... Copyright (c) 2002, by Richard Edwards.
(c) When on an arbitrary web page, click on "color(..)" and you'll get a pop-up web-safe color selector which recolors the parent/opener page.
-- RichardEdwards. 310-847-5372. ACS.
In the above, I corrected the 612 x 102 sizes to 756 x 126. Despite the intention, this code seems to be somewhat browser-dependent.