According to QuantumMechanics, observing a process changes it subtly, without regard to causality or distance. So when you look up at the stars tonight, billions of years ago they twinkled just a little differently because you were going to.
When a photon strikes a rod cell in your eye, that photon is affected. It is that photon you are observing. You aren't observing the star. You are only observing something that the star emitted long long ago.
"But what about Schrödinger's cat? Can I say I'm not observing the cat when I opened the box, I'm only observing photons reflected from the cat several nanoseconds ago?"
I knew you were going to type that.
No you didn't.
But how did you know I didn't type this?
I typed this.
You don't exist, so you're lying.
I'm lying.
That isn't even worth responding to.
The state collapsed.
Perhaps, but there are still more contradictions to explore, like this one.