Try Catch With Ruby Blocks

RenameMe to ContinuationsInRuby? ?

People on BlocksInPython want to see TryCatch? implemented in RubyLanguage. I won't dive in a SchemeLanguage-like continuation-based ErrorHandling, just note that this (somewhat) already exists:

 def routine(n)
  puts n
  throw :done if n <= 0

catch(:done) do routine(3) end

RubyLanguage's 'throw' and 'catch' is GoTo. GoTo has its uses, but for conventional ErrorHandling use 'raise' and 'rescue':

 def factorial(n)
   raise ArgumentError, "factorial arg must be >= 0: #{n}" unless n >= 0
   return 1 if
   (1..n).inject(1) { |product, i| product * i }

while true print 'Enter a number (-1 to quit): ' n = gets.to_i exit if n == -1 begin puts "#{n}! = #{factorial(n)}" rescue ArgumentError => e puts e end end

See also ContinuationsAreGotos, ContinuationsInPython


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