To avoid arguing about the specifics of individuals and individual edits, here are a few things to remember. These don't make a definitive case, they don't prove anything conclusively. They are points to remember when you think about touching a page ...
In lengthy prose:
Please expand your "ignored spelling" criteria to include the "s" vs "z" words like visualise, categorise, vapourise (just kidding -- correct spelling is "vaporise"), etc. If a '.' is missing after a bullet point or URL, ignore it. If a comma is missing, but a sentence is still fully readable and not rendered ambiguous by the missing comma, ignore it. If you see a '--' being used for an em dash, ignore it.
Actually, use of "z", rather than "s" in the words you mention makes for consistency and avoids incorrect links when the words occur in a page name. However, that wouldn't extend to changing spellings in text quoted from some other site.
On the other hand, please do fix non-debatable misspellings like "acheive", "neccesary", "their" vs "they're" vs "there", "its" vs "it's", letter trasnpoistiosn and so on that truly are jarring. Please do fix punctuation faults that make sentences difficult to read. Please do ReFactor to simplify and clarify.
Providing a comma (after an introductory clause or phrase) does often make the sentence less difficult to read. Such use (of the comma) is advocated in many punctuation guides, such as
See also TooMinorEditsConsideredHarmful, RefactoringWikiPages