The TgpMethodology Benefits
-- Improves time to delivery compared to what? That question really goes for all of the benefit statements - it's not clear what you're comparing it to. If you're comparing it to Waterfall, then it's a meaningless comparison. If you're comparing it to XP or Scrum, then it's interesting.
- Improves the software quality. Software is more reliable, as it is tested by a net of hundreds and thousands of tests as part of the development process by the development team numerous times (see the OrganicTesting component of the TgpMethodology).
- Improves utilization of the human resources. The different roles presented by TGP can make the most of the talent and knowledge of business professionals and developers. In an enterprise, the TGP can take advantage of the great mass of developers and BusinessProfessionals that can be recruited to a project (see ImplementingTgp).
ShaiBenYehuda and
CategoryAgileMethodology AgileProcesses AgileSoftwareDevelopment