Test For Put In Athread

This is part of JavaUnitTestChallengeSolved. -- DonWells

First thing, let�s create a thread that does 5 puts in a row. That is all it will do for us.

 import java.lang.*;
 public class PutThread extends Thread {
    public BoundedBuffer buffer;

PutThread(BoundedBuffer aBuffer){ buffer = aBuffer;}

public void run (){ put("a"); put("b"); put("c"); put("d"); put("e");}

public void put(String aString){ try { buffer.put(aString);} catch (InterruptedException exception) {};} }

Doing 5 puts will guarantee we overflow the buffer once. Now let's create a test which uses this thread to fill the buffer. Once the buffer is full, we will need to do one take so that the thread will finish all 5 puts.

 public class PutThreadTest extends Test {
    public BoundedBuffer buffer;
    public PutThread putThread;

public void setUp(){ buffer = new BoundedBuffer(); putThread = new PutThread(buffer);}

public void runTest (){ putThread.start(); sleepHalfSecond(); should(buffer.buffer[0] == "a","First element should be a"); should(buffer.buffer[1] == "b","Second element should be b"); should(buffer.buffer[2] == "c","Third element should be c"); should(buffer.buffer[3] == "d","Fourth element should be d"); should(buffer.occupied == 4,"Buffer should be full now"); oneTake(); waitForPutToFinish(); should(buffer.buffer[0] == "e","First element should now be e");}

public void sleepHalfSecond(){ try { Thread.sleep(500);} catch (InterruptedException exception) {};}

public void waitForPutToFinish(){ try { putThread.join(1000);} catch (InterruptedException exception) {};}

public void oneTake(){ try { buffer.take();} catch (InterruptedException exception){};} }

This test runs fine now.

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