Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines is the second sequel to TheTerminator.
See http://www.terminator3.com/ for more, and http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/t3/ for a trailer.
Points of tangential relevance to this wiki:
- The movie, which is fundamentally about a sophisticated computer system taking over the world and destroying humanity, is produced by C2 Pictures; we can only hope that this isn't Ward's way of trying to tell us something.
- Early on, there are references to an unstoppable virus taking over computers all over the world; seeing this movie is thus a little spooky if you've been following the news about the Blaster/Lovsan worm.
- [SPOILER WARNING!] [Bad pun warning!] At the end of the film, Skynet, the computer system which destroys humanity, is revealed to be not the classic huge underground MainFrame, but rather, in a very Zeitgeisty way, a DistributedSystem which has invaded internet-connected machines all over the world via the aforementioned worm. In fact, you might say it was P2P's KillerApp.