There does not appear to be a central place where SuccessfulXpProjects are documented. This page, SuccessfulXpProjects, is intended to be that page.
This page is a list of Success Stories of projects that use ExtremeProgramming.
This page is different from just CompaniesDoingXp because we are documenting projects that meet the following criteria:
This page is not saying that ExtremeProgramming is the only factor contributing to the success of these projects, simply that ExtremeProgrammingCorePractices practices were used and that the project was considered successful.
Please contribute examples of projects that meet the above criteria that the members of the project are willing to share.
A recent "Field Report" from Computerworld describes several projects successfully released by Sabre Airline Solutions predominantly using ExtremeProgramming practices:,10801,91646,00.htmlSummary at the end of the article:
Was the AtsProject considered successful? The AtsDiary indicates "ATS Iteration 5 was released on May 3rd, on time and on budget. Positive feedback from all concerned so far. Management is very pleased."
RobertMartin (2004, April 18) "Re: The Irony of Extreme Programming" posted to news:// (message ID: [not sure how to make this a direct link to the message - anyone?]):
XP pundits may argue that the 42% productivity increase experienced by Sabre, or the 50% productivity increase experienced by JetDirect?, or the order of magnitude reduction in defect rate experienced by Symantec (just to name a few data points) are the result of using XP.
It seems like these would be good projects to document further. These seem to be fairly clear signs of success (productivity increases, lower defect rates), and apparently these projects used ExtremeProgramming. If anyone has further details, please expand. The Sabre project is documented somewhat at the link above, but I am unfamiliar with the references to changes at JetDirect? or Symantec. Anyone have further info? Cheers, -- JasonNocks
Additional projects can be listed with whatever format you desire.
Suggested content might include the following:
If you wish to document projects that ran into issues and how these issues were overcome, that is excellent information to capture. Please add a different page to describe those projects, perhaps IssuesFacedAdoptingExtremeProgramming?.
CategorySuccess CategoryExtremeProgramming
thankx to wiki !