Software Lies

The biggest SoftwareLies:

Most of these statements are usually lies. But I was taken aback by the first statement, which is usually true. Giving source is easy. If the contract says that the developers will give a tar file from which you can build the application, why would anyone expect it to be a lie? Am I missing something?

I agree that it is generally not a lie - I didn't understand that either. But distributing source is not always easy:

So, while distributing source may be required and expected, it's not easy and so the developer may try to avoid doing it, or may do a half-assed job of it.

Once upon a time, a sister company to the one I was in was clearly intending to take our source, split off, and compete with us. (We had enough documentation on this to win the lawsuit that ultimately occurred.) We were required to send them the source. So we converted all the names to Annnnn, stripped all the comments, and most of the carriage returns. So there's another angle on "of course you can have the source code".

A company called Gimpel Lint did this - you got compilable source, with totally cryptic identifiers, etc. No sane way to modify it, but they didn't need to deal with your particular build environment.

Some more ways to not give you the source:

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