RelationalWeenies claim that RelationalModel is superior to the NetworkModel?, some even claim that since the ObjectOrientedModel? (what ever that is) is very similar to the NetworkModel?, then, the RelationalModel is also superior to the ObjectOrienteModel?... on the other hand ObjectWeenies? claim that their ObjectOrientedModel? is superiror, that maybe the NetworkModle? wasnt that wrong, and that the Relational model is inferior. NonWeenies? claim that there is no such thing as "absolutely superior" approach, they claim that ItDepends.
Each side of this discussion is always trying to convince the other sides that their POV is the right one... and, when asked to produce an ObjectiveProof?, a lot of times they claim that experts have already published books or created products that show that their particular POV is superior, but they never (almost never?) show a SimpleProof, something small, that fits inside 1 or 2 printed pages.
And, after time passes, it seems that producing SimpleProof becomes harder and harder, and explaining the advantages of each approach becomes so hard, that even the supporters of each side forget why their approach was superior, and TraditionOverridesProof.
It is not that ObjectiveEvidenceNeverFound, the problem is that ObjectiveEvidence? is just too complex, if you are asked to: